Eat More To Lose Weight (It’s Achievable)

To read the full article, go to Total Shape

This is just an excerpt from one of the many suggestions listed in the full article.

2. Food Obsession

Losing weight and being hungry always come in a package, and it’s normal to some degree.

However, if food is the first thing that comes to your mind when you wake up, or you think about food constantly, and it drives your self-control on the verge of breaking, you are most likely not giving your body enough to function properly.

Joel Evan, an integrative health practitioner, says the easiest way to know if you’re eating enough between meals is to gauge your hunger.

If you’re still hungry within 3-4 hours of eating a meal, you probably didn't eat enough and should prioritize protein as your macronutrient.

Try to beef up your meals gradually and see if anything changes.


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