053. SOLOSODE - The Pandemic Proof Playbook: How To Thrive In Times Of Uncertainty

This is a copy of a speech I gave in March at the Biohacking Congress event in Silicon Valley. I really wanted to do something different as I knew everyone would be talking about diet, nutrition, and biohacks already. I wanted to talk about how people can really take control with their health and it starts with your BELIEFS. Not only do I coach people for permanent weight loss, but I also have an electric stim physical therapy practice withe Neubie device. I see it time and time again how limiting beliefs effect my clients overall health.

The pandemic was fresh in everyone's mind and was a perfect example of how beliefs and mind control can really effect health. Think about it. How often were we told to be scared. Stay in your home. Don't talk to people. Stay six feet away. Wear a mask. All these things we were told and we later found out none of it was even true. How did you beliefs effect your health, relationships, mindset during the pandemic?

Some of the things you can expect from this speech are:
- Why biohacking is actually hindering your performance
- How training flees skyrocketed my productivity and performance
- The “threat bucket” is the only true measure of health
- Bolster your mind with the “Cliff Young Shuffle” technique

To watch the video version of this, go to The Biohacking Congress website and login.


054. Launch Your Career: Access The Hidden Job Market, Salary Negotiation, Network & Land Your Dream Job - Sean O'Keefe


052. Why You're Doing Keto Wrong, Keto vs Keto Flex, Why Most People Can't Lose Weight - Ben Azadi