068. The Breathing Cure: Breathing Techniques to Help You Become Healthier, Slimmer, Faster & Fitter - Patrick Mckeown

The nose is the only organ in the human body that does breathing. The mouth does absolutely zero.

Today I have none other than international best-selling author of The Oxygen Advantage and creator and master instructor of the Oxygen Advantage® technique, Patrick McKeown is widely regarded as one of the world’s leading breathing re-education experts.

Over the past two decades, Patrick has trained thousands of people around the world to safely challenge their bodies and produce positive changes through breathing re-education. He teaches a new way to breathe, combined with specific exercises designed to improve blood chemistry. The result is an increase of oxygen flow to all the body’s systems, meaning greater endurance, strength and power.

His latest book The Breathing Cureshows 26 easy breathing exercises & natural solutions to anxiety/panic disorder, asthma/allergies, insomnia, lower back pain, sleep apnea, sexual performance, high blood pressure, and even diabetes. We even talk about how you can breathe for immunity and what to do if you have CO-V!D.

If you're looking for holistic health coaching and getting to the root cause of your issue, whether it's weight loss, PCOS, gut health (H Pylori, candida, parasites, GERD) or detoxing from heavy metals, I can help. I'm also accepting applicants to join my 8-week weight loss coaching program for men and women who are dedicated and motivated and want to take action and get to the root cause of their issues. If you're interested, DM me “READY”@joelevancoaching or email me info@joelevancoaching.com [www.joelevancoaching.com]


4:00 - How to easily decongest your nose
6:23 - Why Patrick wrote The Breathing Cure
8:50 - Easy ways to teach our kids how to breathe properly
13:15 - Effects on mouth breathing and kids
16:30 - Why yoga instructors are teaching bad breathing
18:30 - The three levels of breathing
19:30 - The science behind breathing less air
29:10 - Students perform better when they breathe better
30:10 - Is Wim Hof breathing good?
31:40 - What is the BOLT score and why is it important?
35:20 - Nasal breathing for immunity & COVID
42:33 - How slow breathing helps with weight loss
44:08 - How breathing can help with diabetes
48:27 - Tools and hacks to improve breathing
50:22 - Exciting projects Patrick is working on
52:27 - Lightning Round Questions

Other Resources/Links

How To Breathe/Recover From COVID - Patrick Mckeown

The Breathing Diabetic

The Oxygen Advantage Website

Myotape - sleep tape I mentioned for increased deep sleep

The Buteyko Belt

Sport Altitude Mask

Books Recommended

The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle

The Breathing Cure - Patrick McKeown

The Oxygen Advantage - Patrick McKeown


069. The Truth About Mandates, Obtaining Religious Exemptions, Title VII Violations - Peggy Hall


067. Four Simple Habits to Mastering The Mind, Vision Bossing vs Vision Boarding, Overcoming Suicide - Lindsey Paoli