079. How to Lose 80lbs & Build 30lbs of Muscle, Biggest Weight Loss Myths, Burrit-ology - Rusty Osborne

My latest guest is none other than Rusty Osborne, men's weight loss coach and host of the Losing Weight Podcast. I am blessed to have Rusty on the show to share some of insights and what it was like to be obese for a very long time and get stuck in some of the negative habit loops that we all find ourselves in. Rusty tells his pain to purpose story of losing 80 lbs and gaining 30 lbs of muscle in a relatively short time.

Rusty and I met in a coaching group's mastermind and not only is he hilarious and is able to deliver complex scientific topics into funny and relatable information, but he also stresses the importance of having a solid mindset. Rusty is currently working with top level business coach and entrepreneur Craig Ballantyne, author of the Perfect Day Formula.

To learn more about Rusty go check out his amazing podcast where he delivers actionable tips weekly.

If you're looking for holistic health coaching and getting to the root cause of your issue, whether it's weight loss, PCOS, gut health (H Pylori, candida, parasites, GERD), or detoxing from heavy metals, I can help. I'm also accepting applicants to join my 8-week weight loss coaching program for men and women who are dedicated and motivated and want to take action and get to the root cause of their issues. If you're interested, DM me “READY”@joelevancoaching or email me info@joelevancoaching.com [www.joelevancoaching.com]


1:42 - How Rusty lost 80lbs and put 30lbs of muscle on
8:00 - How Rusty helps clients with setbacks failures
18:36 - Biggest myth for losing weight
24:18 - What’s the one thing people can do to start losing weight
27:44 - Exciting projects that Rusty is working on
30:44 - What is burrito-logy?

Other Resources/Links
Losing Weight with Coach Rusty Podcast
@thecoachrusty on IG

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The Way of the Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman


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