114. What is Living Water? Water Revitalization vs Water Filtration, Structured Water Deep Dive - Jonathan Butts (Natural Action Technologies)

Today I am blessed to have Jonathan Butts, the CEO of Natural Action Technologies, a water revitilization company on a mission to bring back life to water! Sounds crazy, I know, but wait till you listen to the science and how Jonathan stumbled upon this "life" or "charged water." One of the things that I love about Jonathan's story, is that he stumbled upon this research accidentally, having had more of a background in the automotive industry. His experiments there led him to question why this charged water was having such a profound effect on machinery, which later led him to starting this water revitilization company. 

In this episode we get into the current problems with our water right now and why the store bought bottled water is essentially "dead water." We also talk about medicine water and how you can program water for certain ailments, the alkalizing water myth, and much much more.

If you want 10-20% off any Natural Action Technologies products (coupon code is based on certain products), use the code JOELEVAN-10 or JOELEVAN-20 for a discount. 

If you're looking for holistic health coaching and getting to the root cause of your issue, or you want to lose weight permanently through a holistic method that focuses on mindset, nutrition, detox, and habit mastery, then DM me “I'M READY”@joelevancoaching or email me info@joelevancoaching.com [www.joelevancoaching.com]


1:30 - How Jonathan’s love for auto racing led him to “life water”
5:00 - How water implodes?
12:30 - What’s the biggest problem with our water system?
20:50 - The DNA of water
25:00 - How water is living and growing
30:00 - Real life examples of structured water vs non-structured water
37:56 - Some of the products Natural Action Tech makes
42:00 - How Natural Action Tech is changing the wine and beer world
46:00 - Medicine water and how to program water for certain ailments
47:11 - Alkalizing water myth
52:39 - Exciting projects Jonathan is working on

Other Resources/Links

Natural Action Technologies

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