147. Gastrointestinal Health, Liver/Kidney Health, & Weight Loss

Every Wednesday I go LIVE to talk about a topic, trend, and the latest research in the areas of metabolic health and weight loss. I’m on a mission to help over a million people get healthy and lose weight so that they can start living the highest version of themselves. When you’re healthy, you’re more confident and have higher self-esteem. That confidence bleeds into every area of your life. Those same people are more purposeful and make greater change in the world.

This week we talk about how Gastrointestinal Health & Kidney Health plays with Weight Loss:

I just created a Weight Loss Diet Blueprint that's FREE! I get often asked "How should I eat? What foods should I eat? How much?" This cheat sheet is your answer. I give this to all my private wellness clients and I want you to have it. Simple message me "I WANT IT" on Facebook or Instagram @joelevancoaching or email me info@joelevancoaching.com


148. Back To School Immune Support For Kids & Families - Beth Gordon


146. Melatonin The Miracle Molecule: Reverse Aging, Lose Weight, & Fight Cancer (Dr.John Lieurance - Mitozen)