085. The Truth About Hypertrophy: How Muscle Really Grows, The Minimum Effective Dose To Muscle Growth, "No-Load" Training - Dr. Samuel Buckner

I've always wanted to talk to someone about what it really takes to build muscle.  Is what we've been taught in muscle magazines, 3 sets of 10 really what it takes to build muscle? Also is there a difference between muscle growth and strength? And what's the minimum effective dose for building muscle if we're short on time? Well, I was lucky to find such an expert that could answer all those questions.

Dr. Samuel Buckner is the director of the University of South Florida Muscle Laboratory. His research group’s primary focus is on skeletal muscle adaptations to resistance exercise. His current work places an emphasis in enhancing the understanding of the effects of blood flow restriction on muscle size. Dr. Buckner has 120 papers published in peer-reviewed journals, and in 2012 was the Guinness World Record holder for the most consecutive 90-degree pushups.

We get into the science behind muscle building as well as the science behind some of the popular biohacks that many are familiar with such as blood flow restriction (BFR) training and electric stimulation therapy via the Neubie. 

If you're looking for holistic health coaching and getting to the root cause of your issue, whether it's weight loss, PCOS, gut health (H Pylori, candida, parasites, GERD), or detoxing from heavy metals, I can help. I'm also accepting applicants to join my 12-week weight loss coaching program for men and women who are dedicated and motivated and want to take action and get to the root cause of their issues. If you're interested, DM me “READY”@joelevancoaching or email me info@joelevancoaching.com [www.joelevancoaching.com]


3:50 - A crazy question that Dr.Buckner’s student asked him
5:50 - Do you need to do 3 sets of 10 and tear your muscles to build muscle?
10:15 - Do we need muscle damage for a muscle to grow?
15:30 - How your body build muscle
16:50 - Can you build muscle with “no-load training”?
18:50 - Is time under tension a myth?
25:00 - Myofibril growth vs sacroplasmic growth
31:50 - The minimum effective dose to exercise
36:10 - Nutrients needed to build muscle 
37:30 - The anabolic window myth?
41:37 - Blood flow restriction training
51:36 - How the Neubie electric stim device can help with muscle hypertrophy?


086. Weight Loss Wednesdays - URIC Acid: The Key to Losing Weight, Controlling Blood Sugar, and Achieving Extraordinary Health


084. The Missing Element in All Diets: Why Salt is Not Bad For You, The Need For Electrolytes, Should We Eat Meat At All? - Robb Wolf